Blog Introduction

This blog is the story of how my husband and I faced the illness and death of two of our children. Each blog post is essentially a chapter in the story, so in order to truly understand it, a reader is going to benefit by starting at the beginning. I hope you find our story touching, and in some way find comfort and hope through it as you face your own storms in life.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Help Needed

Hello, Readers,

I would love to see the rest of this story translated to completion.  If any one of you is fluent in English and Serbian, and vows to maintain the authenticity and accurate translation of this story, please contact me via this email:

There will be NO compensation for this work-- just the knowledge that you have had a part in sharing this story with countless others. 

I appreciate your consideration, and look forward to hearing from one of you! : )

Alias Sarah Ryan